What is and Why BIM?
As a concept, BIM has been alive for a “considerable” while, but still, many clients would resist to believe that it’s more than just a luxurious 3D for of the building. We don’t blame them; no, all the blame goes to the “craft merchants” as we prefer to call them, for they’ve stripped away BIM from its features just to make their clients out of breathe and, well, money.
To name a few features of BIM, Imagine a model before tendering stage that is:
Just imagine the pain that will be from the past! Businessmen, thanks to BIM, may now live longer due to those benefits.
Above is a bite of BIM, a genetic mutation; once introduced, there is no turning back; it redefines the project, then becomes the project itself. BIM is the imminent future of engineering ecosystem.
Do hear that sound? Engines are chuffing and the train is moving; so, how would you like your seat?